A Barbican Gardens Walk

Route & what to see


A linear walk from Barbican to Moorgate Stations looking at landscaping of the Barbican Estate and other City gardens.

From Barbican Station cross Goswell Road and Beech Street into Lauderdale Place. Go up steps (signposted to Museum of London) to Beech Gardens. There is a view of Fann Street Wildlife Garden (private) from far side. Planters and window boxes are a feature of the estate.

Go along Ben Jonson Place towards exhibition halls. At the dolphin sculpture bear right and go through gate into the courtyard of Frobisher Crescent. Cross to the Conservatory (open some Sundays only). Enter Barbican Centre to the right (level 3).

Go down to ground level (main foyer) and out to the Lakeside Terrace with view of St Giles Church.

Go left to view Speed Garden (GSMD & residents)

Walk back along the terrace and go up the steps then continue along Highwalk keeping on left hand side. There are views of Thomas More Garden (private) with some notable trees.

Go up steps (to Beech Gardens level) then follow Seddon and John Wesley Highwalks (signposted to Museum of London). This passes Sports facilities (private) and the Ironmongers' livery hall.

View Sunken Garden (no public access) at the Museum of London.

Continue on highwalk past museum entrance. To the right are views of the Noble Street Gardens with wall remains and St Olave Silver Street (former churchyard)

Go down to Barber Surgeon’s Garden (herbs) also wall and lakeside features

Return to steps and go into Monkwell Square

Walk diagonally through and cross to St Alphage’s Garden with wall remains

Go down steps to left and walk through Salter’s Garden.

Climb steps at the far end and continue along St Alphage Highwalk (signposted Moorgate Station) through ‘Minatour’ garden

Continue on highwalk to Moorgate Station


City of London open spaces [
London Gardens Online [
Barbican Estate Gardens [


london-footprints.co.uk 2017

[livery halls] [walkslist]