City Livery Company Halls

site map

There are now only 40 company halls in the City, varying in date from the 17thc to 2002, and all have been rebuilt or altered at some time.

HALLS A-Z: [A] [B] [C] [D] [F] [G] [H] [I] [L] [M] [P] [S] [T] [V] [W]

This began in a bakers in Pudding Lane on the night of Sunday 2nd September. Fanned by a strong easterly wind the flames quickly spread. The king ordered houses to be pulled down to create a firebreak but the fire continued and by 4th September half of the city had been consumed. By the next day the worst was over but 400 acres within the city walls had been burned including 44 livery halls. Plans by Wren and Evelyn for rebuilding the city were rejected. A coal tax was imposed to pay for public buildings and regulations governed the construction of private houses. A number of livery halls were completed by 1669. The monument built by Wren in 1671-7 commemorates the fire. The 1667 map by Leake & Hollar shows the extent of the damage. This is available on the collage
website ref 30305


The heavy bombing of London began on 7 September 1940 after which London was attacked nightly with 18800 tons of explosives being dropped up until May 1941. One of the worst nights for the city was 30 December 1940 with buildings unoccupied after Christmas. Firemen were hampered by broken water mains and low river levels. In 3 hours 10000 incendries and high explosive bombs were dropped by more than 100 enemy planes. The 1950s OS map depicts a devasted city with 121 acres of property severely damaged and 104 acres completely destroyed. Some 16 livery halls were destroyed and a similar number badly damaged. 'Blitz' firemen's statue/memorial opposite St Pauls Cathedral


Apothecaries Hall - Blackfriars Lane EC4V 6EJ

Lord Cobham acquired the Friary at the Dissolution and turned the guest house on the east side of the site into Cobham House. This building was purchased by the company and rebuilt as a hall in 1632. The north and east ranges were reconstructed after the Great Fire by Thomas Lock in 1668-73. The west and south ranges of 1780-6 by Richard Norris were warehouses and manufacturing areas for products, including naval supplies. The interiors were modified by Sir William Wells in 1928-30 and the south end of the hall re-faced following war damage. There is some fine 17th century panelling in the court room and library. The lamp in the courtyard stands on the site of the Friary well. The south range was converted to offices in the 1980s but number 6 Playhouse Yard is the fomer magnesia warehouse. The hall is shared by the Spectaclemakers.
Apothecaries] [Spectacle Makers]

Armourers & Brasiers Hall - 81 Coleman Street EC2R 5BJ
The site was leased in 1346 and purchased in 1428. The hall survived the Great Fire but was rebuilt by William Creswell in 1795. The present building by J H Good dates from 1840 with alterations by Alexander Graham in 1872-3. A collection of armour is on display.


Bakers Hall - Harp Lane, Lower Thames Street EC3R 6DP
Their original home was a converted mansion which they purchased in 1506. This and its replacement were destroyed by fire in 1666 & 1715. The third hall of 1719 was destroyed by enemy action in 1940. The present hall of 1963 in red brick occupies the lower portion of an office block. There are 8 inlaid marble panels by Joseph Clarke showing the history of the company and 3 stained glass windows by John Piper depicting the hall fires. [
website] Also home to the Glovers Company [website]

Barbers Hall - 1 Monkwell Square EC2Y 5BL
From the 1440s the company occupied only a room with offices but in 1605-7 a court room was added. It was restored in 1615 and in 1635 an anatomical theatre designed by Inigo Jones was built. This was the only part to survive the Great Fire but was demolished in 1784 for housing. By 1869 only the court room remained, located within a bastion of the city wall. The hall was destroyed in WWII and not rebuilt until 1969 (by Kenneth Cross) when it was postioned 30' away from the wall but retained the bow shape on its west side. It incorporates a small office block which provides an income and installed a new stained glass window to commemorate the millennium. A herb garden has been laid out between the hall and the wall. The balastrades of the steps between the hall and London Wall represent the striped barber's poles. [

Brewers Hall - Aldmanbury Square EC2V 7HR
The hall is recorded in Addle Street in 1418. It was lost in the Great Fire and its replacement of 1673 was destroyed in WWII. The present building by Sir Hubert Worthington was opened in 1960. The livery suite is on the first floor above premises for rent. [

Butchers Hall - 87 Bartholomew Close EC1A 7EB
The hall had many locations and in 1668 after the Great Fire moved from Smithfield to Pudding Lane. This was acquired in 1884 and a hall was built on the present site. Severe damage was sustained in both wars and the hall was rebuilt in 1960 (by Howard Kelly & Partners) and refurbished in 1996 when a fourth floor was added. The entrance hall has a fine engraved glass screen designed by John Hutton. A Golden Book and company silver were stolen in 1981 but some replacements are on display. The Great Hall has Southland Beech panelling and a floor of Canadian Maple. The tapestry, a gift of Ronald Vestey, was made by the Aubusson factory in 1964. The hall has a number of gifts ranging from a marble chimney piece to a key cupboard from Newgate Prison. There are new stained glass windows in the entrance hall and Great Hall. [

Carpenters Hall - Throgmorton Avenue EC2N 2JJ
The first hall of 1429 survived the Great Fire as the garden acted as a firebreak. It was pulled down in 1876 for the building of Throgmorton Avenue and the second hall, designed by W W Pocock. It was gutted by fire in 1941 but the outer walls were saved and the present hall built within them in 1956. [

Clothworkers Hall - Dunster Court, Mincing Lane EC3R 7AH
The present hall is the sixth the previous one having been destroyed in 1941. It was designed by H Austen Hall in 1954-8 and refurbished 1985-6. The hall is a double cube and has a fine Master's chair of Australian black bean wood. There is also a drawing room, court dining room and reception room. [

Coopers Hall - 13 Devonshire Square EC2M 4TH
The Coopers were originally in Basinghall Street where their first building was destroyed in the Great Fire and rebuilt in 1668. The second hall was thought to be too large and was demolished in 1865 and the materials were sold. Its smaller replacement was bombed in WWII. Devonshire Square was developed in 1678-1708 by Nicholas Barbon and had a cobbled central area with a statue. The square has since been redeveloped so that only numbers 12 & 13 remain. The house was refaced in 1720 but remains a timber framed building behind, restoration work having revealed re-used ship's timbers. The company acquired the house in 1957 refurbishing it in 1975 & 1990. The basement has a museum of cooperage (barrel-making). Photo shows number 12. [

Cutlers Hall - Warwick Lane EC4M 7BR
The first hall completed in 1285 was in Poultry but they moved in the 15th century to Cloak Lane where their hall of 1451 (rebuilt in 1660-6) was destroyed in the Great Fire. The replacement which opened in 1670 was purchased by the District Railway in 1882. The present hall of 1888 was built on a site previously occupied by the Royal College of Physicians (plaque). It was designed by T Taylor Smith with a terracotta frieze by Benjamin Creswick showing cutlers working at their craft (there are explanatory notes on the railings). The hall has a hammerbeam roof and the committee room is panelled in Jacobean oak from a house in Yarmouth. There is a panel of 1569 depicting an elephant from the previous hall and wrought iron candelabra. The neighbouring building was destroyed in 1941 along with the north wall of the hall but temporary repairs were carried out until reconstruction in 1951 [
website]. Also home to the Solicitors Company [website] and Paviors Company [website]

Drapers Hall - Throgmorton Street EC2N 2DQ
The first hall was in St Swithin's Lane and the present site was purchased from Henry VIII in 1543. The mansion was destroyed in the Great Fire and rebuilt by Edward Jarman in 1667-71. The Court Dining Room and Clerk's Office survived a fire of 1772 after which it was rebuilt by John Gorham. There were further alterations in the 1860's & 1890's. Shops to Throgmorton Street included a Lyons Restaurant. The two storey hall has an apse, gallery and Corinthian columns in marble. It has carpets and furniture from William Morris's Merton Abbey factory and some Gobelin tapestries. The ceiling features scenes from Shakespeare painted by Hubert Draper in 1910. The adjoining garden was once much larger but maintains the tradition of growing mulberry trees. [

Dyers Hall - 10 Dowgate Hill EC4R 2ST
The Dyers had buildings in Upper Thames Street which were burnt down in the Great Fire, as was its replacement in 1681. The third (1730s) & fourth (1760s) halls in Dowgate Hill both collapsed and the present hall on College Street was built in 1842 by Charles Dyer. In 1856 an extension onto Dowgate Hill was added by D A Corbett. There are 7 wall paintings of birds by Sir Peter Scott. [

Farmers & Fletchers Hall - 3 Cloth Street EC1A 7LD
The Fletchers had a hall in St Mary Axe in the 16thc but this was burnt down in the Great Fire and not replaced, although the site was not sold until 1933. The present hall was built by Michael Twigg Brown & Partners in 1986-7. The livery suite is on the lower ground floor with offices above. [

Fishmongers Hall - London Bridge EC4R 9EL
The Fishmongers have been on the site since 1434. Their hall was destroyed in the Great Fire and rebuilt in 1667-9 by Edward Jarman then modified in 1788-91 by John Gorman. This was demolished in 1827 when the new bridge was constructed. The new hall costing 55000 was built in 1832-5 to the designs of Henry Roberts who won the architectural competition. It needed restoration after severe war damage and the interior has been re-decorated several times. The north part was rebuilt as offices and accommodation in 1961 by Austen Hall and the basement warehouses were converted in 1981 by Holford Associates. The company has a statue of Sir William Walworth, Lord Mayor at the time of the Peasant's Revolt. Their collections include plate, important pictures and a 15thc pall cloth. [

Founders Hall - Number One Cloth Fair EC1A 7HT
The Founders began in Lothbury in 1531 where their premises were destroyed in the Great Fire but rebuilt soon after. The hall as rebuilt in 1845 was let as offices to the Telegraph company when they moved to St Swithin's Lane in 1854. This building was rebuilt by George Aithchison in 1877 and later refurbished as offices. The new hall in Cloth Fair of 1986-7 by J Sampson Lloyd won a Civic trust award for its architectural design. A matching extension was added in 1990. The hall is in the basement with the parlour on the ground floor and flats & offices above. [

Framework Knitters Hall - White Cross/Red Cross Street
This was built 1678-80 on land purchased in 1677. The medieval design was fronted by the Golden Hind Inn which was rented out. The hall was sold in 1821 by compulsory purchase order for an extension to the Whitecross Prison. They now have premises in Oadby, Leicester.

Furniture Makers - 12 Austin Friars EC2 2HE
The company purchased a 19th century listed building in 2005. The property has a large ground floor dining room and a magnificent spiral staircase. There are other rooms on the first floor, available for hire to members, and offices on the upper floors. Also home to the Arts Scholars. [

Girdlers Hall - Basinghall Avenue EC2V 5DD

The site of the hall has been owned since 1431 and was extended in 1505. Following destruction in the Great Fire it was rebuilt in 1681 but destroyed again in 1940. The present building of 1961 was designed by C Ripley and has an Indian carpet of 1634 and a garden with a mulberry tree.

Glaziers/Scientific Instrument Makers/Launderers Hall - 9 Montague Close SE1 9DD
The company leased a hall between Old Fish Street and Thames Street from the Fishmongers from 1601 but this was destroyed in the Great Fire. Meetings were held in taverns and other halls until 1977 when a hall within Hibernia Chambers was completed, a fund having been set up in 1929. [
Glaziers] [Scientific Instrument Makers]

Goldsmiths Hall - Foster Lane EC2V 6BN
The Goldsmiths were the first company to have a hall and have been in Foster Lane since 1339. The large hall of 1634-6 by Nicholas Stone with Inigo Jones was damaged in the Great Fire and rebuilt by Edward Jarman in 1669. The panelling and ceiling of the Court Room were incorporated into the rebuilt hall designed by Philip Hardwick in 1829-35. It was restored in 1947 after war damage and refurbished in 1990. The hall has 6 large chandeliers and holds a unique collection of archives and items associated with the craft. [

Grocers Hall - Princes Street EC2R 8AD
The Grocers first purchased a mansion in 1427 and built a new hall in 1428-33 which had to be re-roofed after the Great Fire. The second hall was enlarged in 1682 and used by the Bank of England 1690-1734. Its successor was badly built in 1802 by Thomas Leverton and despite repairs was demolished in 1888. The present hall was designed by Henry C Boyes in 1893 but largely destroyed by fire in 1965. The 1970 rebuild by Beard Bennett & Wilkins incorporated the remaining facade and added a floor of offices. Features of interest include three Aubusson tapestries by John Piper, a wrought iron screen of 1682, and two fireplaces of 1800. [

Haberdashers Hall - 18 West Smithfield EC1A 9HQ
The first hall in Maiden (now Staining) Lane was built in 1459-61 but burnt down in the Great Fire. Its replacement designed by Edward Jarman in 1667-81 was destroyed in WWII and the third hall was built in 1954-6 by A S Ash as part of an office complex (demolished 1996). The company moved into its new hall designed by Michael Hopkins & Partners in April 2002. It is collegiate in style on 2 floors around a cloistered garden with an orangery along the north side. It has a specially commissioned panoramic painting of the City, modern stained glass, furniture by Linley and other items. The 18thc pine-panelled luncheon room is a recreation of the 1956 room. [

Information Technologists - 39a Bartholomew Close EC1 7JN
The mid 18th century building has had a variety of incarnations, including a period as the Rose & Crown pub. In addition to the livery and reception rooms there are three small meeting rooms on the second floor. The hall was opened by the Lord Mayor in September 2001. [

Innholders Hall - College Street EC4R 2RH
There was a hall on the site by 1521 which was destroyed in the Great Fire and rebuilt in 1670. The north part was rebuilt in 1885 by J Douglass Mathews. It suffered damage in the Blitz of May 1941 when the neighbouring paint factory was destroyed but was repaired in 1947-52 by E D Jefferis Mathews. A new entrance hall and reception room were created in 1990 and catering facilities upgraded in 2004. The Old Court Room retains its 17thc panelling, plaster ceiling and fireplace. Stained glass by M C Farrar Ball depicting inn signs was installed in 1977. Known as The Three Masters Window, it was designed and made by 3 past masters of the Worshipful Company of Glaziers - Brian Thomas, Michael Bell and Lawrence Lee. Lee's contributions were made by him and his two assistants, Beth Glasser and Rona Moody. A new court room has been designed and furnished for the 21st century. [

Insurers Hall - 20 Aldmanbury EC2V 7HY
The hall was built by ME & OH Collins in 1934, on the site of the historic Axe Inn, in a Tudor style with significant stained glass windows. The hall survived the war thanks to the diligence of the House Steward. The adjoining 21 Aldmanbury was built in 1964. [
website] Also home to the Firefighter's Company. [website]

Ironmongers Hall - Barbican EC2Y 8AA
The Ironmongers purchased their first hall in Fenchurch Street in 1457. This was rebuilt by Elias Jarman in 1587 and survived the Great Fire but their third hall of 1745 was one of the few buildings to be bombed in the First World War. During the incendary raids of December 1940 the heat melted window glass and lead & asphalt on the roof but the occupants managed to save the building with the use of stirrup pumps. The present hall was constructed in 1925 on a site previously occupied by tenement houses, pulled down in 1910. Designed by Sydney Tatchell the hall was built in a Tudor style with much of the craftwork being done by hand. Some furniture from the old hall was retained and the drawing room has a tapestry wallcovering designed by William Morris and made at Merton. The banqueting hall is of double height with Waterford chandeliers of 1803 from the previous hall. The company has many historic items on display including a 15thc cloth of gold pall cloth. [
website] Also used by the Shipwrights Company. [website]

Leathersellers Hall - St Helen's Place EC3A 6DQ
The company first acquired a hall in London Wall in 1445 and purchased the nunnery buildings of St Helens in 1543. These were demolished in 1799 for rebuilding by William & Thomas Roper. The company moved into a smaller building which was burnt down in 1819 and rebuilt in 1822 by W F Pocock. This was let as offices when a new larger hall was built opposite in 1878. Following severe war damage this was restored in 1959. Features include a leather-hung foyer and a stained glass window of 1937 by Leonard Walker depicting Henry VI. [

Master Mariners Hall - HQS Wellington, Temple Stairs EC2R 2PN

The Master Mariners never managed to acquire a city hall but in 1947 purchased the sloop HMS Wellington. This had been built at Devonport in 1934 and served on convoy escort duty during WWII covering over 740000 miles. The ship was converted to a livery hall at Chatham and was berthed at Victoria Embankment in 1948. It received a major refurbishment at Sheerness in 1991. It has a Court Room (located in the former engine room) with a reception area, model room & library, committee room and overnight cabins. [website] Also home to the Hackney Carriage Drivers and Scriveners.

Mercers Hall - Becket House, Ironmonger Lane EC2V 8HE
By 1347 the Mercers occupied premises at the Hospital of St Thomas founded at his birthplace. They purchased the Cheapside frontage in 1517 to built a chapel and hall acquiring the rest of the building after the Dissolution in 1542. The hall was destroyed in the Great Fire but rebuilt in 1668-76 to the plans of Edward Jarman. The building was used by the Bank of England in 1694 and the East India Company in 1702. A new facade was added in 1879 but the building was destroyed in WWII. The hall and chapel were rebuilt in 1954-8 to the design of E Noel Clifton incorporating fittings from the old premises. It is unique in having its own chapel. There are shops below and offices for rent above. The company has extensive archives which can be consulted by arrangement. [

Merchant Taylors Hall - 30 Threadneedle Street EC2R 8AY
The company has occupied the site, which included the house of the King's tent maker, since 1347. The Great Kitchen was constructed in 1425 and the roof of the first hall was renewed in 1586-8. This was lost in the Great Fire together with the interior but the remains were restored and embellished by Edward Jarman in 1681-3. The court room and library date to 1878-9 and the cloister to 1927. There is a paved garden with a fountain and statue. In September 1940 the hall was hit with a number of incendries and much was destroyed. However the Library, Court Room, Great Kitchen and part of the Crypt (built in 1375) survived. It was reopened in 1959 with a radical change of decoration. Three previous floor levels have been preserved and can be seen in the building. The premises are entered through two passages in Threadneedle Street. [

Painter-Stainers Hall - 9 Little Trinity Lane EC4V 2AD
The first hall bequeathed to the company in 1532 was destroyed in the Great Fire and rebuilt in 1670. It was repaired in 1776, extended in 1880 and reconstructed 1914-6. The present enlarged hall was opened in 1961 having been rebuilt by D E Harrington after bomb damage. The Painted Chamber has early 18th century panels from the previous hall and the company has a fine collection of paintings and silver. [

Pewterers Hall - Oat Lane EC2V 7DE
After receiving their charter the company obtained a site in Lime Street where they built a hall with a garden and vinery in 1496. This was lost in the Great Fire but rebuilt by 1670 by John Wildog. Use of the hall declined and after another fire in 1840 it was not repaired and finally demolished in 1932. The plaster ceiling and oak panelling were moved to the Geffrye Museum where they are displayed.The new hall in Oat Lane was built in 1960-1 by D E Nye & Partners and has panelling and chandeliers from the Lime Street premises. There is armorial stained glass of 1974 by Brian Thomas on the landing. [

Plaisterers Hall - 1 London Wall EC2Y 5JU
The first hall on the corner of Addle Street and Philip Lane was bequeathed to the company in 1556 but was destroyed in the Great Fire. The second hall was built in 1669 to the designs of Christopher Wren but was also destroyed by fire in 1882. The land was then leased but following destruction in WWII the freehold was acquired by the Corporation of London. The present hall was built within an 11 storey office block by Ronald Ward & Partners in 1972. The accommodation includes the largest livery hall in the City and is in a neo-classical style utilising Robert Adam designs in the plaster and wood work. To mark the Queen's Silver Jubilee in 1977 the company constructed an adjoining garden incorporating the remains of the Roman Wall. In 2003 One London Wall by Foster & Partners replaced the office block, retaining the Plaisterers accommodation. [
website] Also home to the Marketors.

Saddlers Hall - Gutter Lane EC2V 6BR
The company was left a bequest in 1393 on condition they built a hall within 3 years. This was located in West Cheap and was rebuilt in 1670 after being lost in the Great Fire. It was rebuilt again in 1822 by Jesse Gibson, following another fire, and refronted in 1864-5 but was largely destroyed by bombing in 1940. Post-war the company's land on Cheapside and across Gutter Lane was compulsarily purchased by the City Corporation for the princely sum of ten shillings! The new hall of 1956 by L Sylvester Sullivan was built on remaining land off Cheapside. The hall is a double cube with an Adam style ceiling rose. The company has a fine collection of silver and a pall cloth made in 1508. The entrance court has a retained pediment of 1877. [
website] Also home to the Weavers [website] and Chartered Secretaries & Administraors [website]

Salters Hall - Fore Street EC2Y 5DE
The company had a hall in Bread Street from 1454 which was rebuilt after a fire in 1539 and premises in St Swithin's Lane (the former Oxford House) from 1641. Both were lost in the Great Fire but a new hall by John Wildgos was built on the second site by 1668 which was extended in 1695. A new hall by Henry Carr was constructed in 1824-7 but this was destroyed in 1941 and the site sold. The present hall by Sir Basil Spence was opened in 1976 and contains an ash panelled Banqueting Hall and rosewood panelled Court Room. The wrought iron gates of 1887 on Fore Street came from the previous hall. Lumps of rock salt are displayed at the entrance and the company maintains the garden alongside the remains of the City wall. [

Skinners Hall - 8 Dowgate Hill EC4R 2SP
The Medieval hall was rebuilt after the Great Fire and in 1778-9. Alterations were made by W Campbell-Jones in the 1900s. Parts of the building were rebuilt in 1948 following war damage and by J Sampson Lloyd in 1984-6. The court room with cedar panelling and staircase date to 1670. It has a roof garden and a series of paintings by Sir Frank Branwyn depicting incidents in the company's history. The cellars contain walls from the Walbrook bank. [

Stationers & Newspaper Makers Hall - Stationers Hall Court EC4M 7DD
The company first occupied the former Peters College of St Pauls Cathedral. They acquired a hall in Milk Street in 1606 but bought the house of Lord Abergavenny on the present site in 1611. This was destroyed in the Great Fire and rebuilt in 1670-4 to include storage warehouses. The west range was refronted by Robert Mylne in 1800 with lamp standards flanking the doorway(pictured left). A single storey warehouse remains on this side. The 3-storey north range was replaced with a wing in Portland Stone by R W Mylne in 1885-7. The inner courtyard is on the site of the garden of Abergavenny House. The war-damaged court room wing was rebuilt in red brick by Dawson & Son in 1957. [

Tallow Chandlers Hall - 4 Dowgate Hill EC4R 2SH
The company purchsed their Dowgate Hill property in 1476 having previously rented a hall close to Austin Friars. The hall was destroyed in the Great Fire and rebuilt in 1672. The Cloak Lane frontage features a 17th century shell hood. Although struck with bombs in 1941 & 1944 it survived and remained open making it one of the City's oldest halls with original fixed benches in the court room. Iron gates lead into a courtyard with a large Indian Bean tree. The entrance hall was redesigned in 1962. The ghost of a man dressed in white like a monk has been seen. [

Vintners Hall - Upper Thames Street EC4V 3BJ
The site was bequeathed to the company in 1446. The hall was destroyed in the Great Fire but rebuilt in 1671. The Court Room retains carvings from this building and several paintings. In 1822 the hall lost some of its rooms when Upper Thames Street was widened. It was altered by A H Kersey in 1908-10 when a new east wing was added. The drawing room was redecorated in 1989 when the conservatory and library & sitting room were also added. When Vintners Place was built in 1992 two new rooms were created for the company which house the Swan Banner, archaeological finds, a collection of bottles and specially painted murals. In the entrance are Coade Stone figures of two swans (1800) and a charity boy (1840). A stained glass window depicts the meeting of five kings. [

Photo by kind permission of the Worshipful Company of Vintner's

Watermen & Lightmen Hall - 16 St Mary-at-Hill EC3R 8EE
The first hall was the 13thc mansion of Coldharbour, situated east of the site of Cannon Street station. It was destroyed in the Great Fire and rebuilt in 1670 & 1722. The present hall designed by William Blackburn was built in 1780 but repaired in 1951 after war damage and improved in 1961. It is in a classical style with Coade stone decoration. In 1983 two adjacent buildings, including the former Fellowship Porters Hall, were incorporated. An anteroom on the ground floor is panelled with timber from demolished riverside warehouses. [

Wax Chandlers Hall - Gresham Street EC2V 7AD
In 1501 the company acquired a site which included the Cock on the Hoop brewhouse & other buildings on which they built their hall by 1525. A new hall replaced it in 1657 as it was considered too small but this had to be rebuilt in 1670 by Edward Jarman having been destroyed in the Great Fire. The fourth hall was built in 1791 by Richard Wooding when a warehouse was added on the site. In 1852 the hall was demolished when Maiden Lane was widened to become Gresham Street and Charles Fowler was appointed as architect of the new building. This was largely destroyed in 1940 although some items were saved. The post-war hall designed by Seeley & Paget was built in 1956-8 when some Roman objects were found. In 1979 the hall was given 18thc figures of Gog & Magog that had been in a pub in Cheapside. On some occasions the dining room is lit with wax candles in silver candlebra. [
A number of halls are no longer in existance:
Blacksmiths - Lambeth Hill - 1494-1661 & 1671-1785 lease terminated
Bowyers - Hart Street/Monkwell Street - lost in Great Fire
Bricklayers - Leadenhall Street
Cooks - Aldersgate Street - 1500-1764 & 1764-71 destroyed by fire
Cordwainers - St Paul's Churchyard - last of six halls destroyed in 1941
Curriers - Cripplegate - on site 16thc-1920
Broderers - Gutter Lane (blue plaque)

Fletchers - St Mary Axe - lost in Great Fire
Fruiterers - west of Dowgate Hill
Joiners - Upper Thames Street - several halls lost to fire last in 1811
Masons - Masons Avenue - last occupied in 1865
Parish Clerks - Clerks Place (confiscated) Broad Lane (Great Fire) & Silver Street (WWII)
Plumbers - Bush Lane - first 1532-1666 last demolished for Canon Street Station in 1863
Tylers & Brciklayers - Leadenhall Street (blue plaque)
Waterbearers - Bishopsgate
Weavers - Basinghall Street - lost in Great Fire replacement 1680-1856 demolished
Woodmongers - between St Paul's & Baynards Castle

Some of the companies have produced their own histories or guide books. 2016

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