A Richmond Walk

Route & what to see

site map


A 4 mile circular walk from Richmond Station - served by National Rail and tube (District line). There are plenty of places for refreshments.

From the station go right along Kew Road
The railway came in 1848 but the station building dates from 1937

Cross and go through Clarence Street
On the corner is the Arts & Crafts Orange Tree pub. On the right hand side the former St John's Church School has been the home of the Orange Tree Theatre since 1991

Go left along Parkshot
On the right are Georgian houses. George Eliot lived at number 8 which has been replaced by the Magistrate's Court

Continue alongside Little Green
This was a former bowling green. On the left is the Richmond Theatre of 1899 designed by Frank Matcham

Continue along Richmond Green
This has been used for tournaments & archery, animal grazing, prize fights and cricket. It is surrounded by distinctive buildings

Go through Paved Court ahead
This has attractive shops and at the end the premises of the Richmond & Twickenham Times

Go right along King Street
On the left are Oak House (1760), Old Palace Place (1688) and the Old Friars including Beaver Lodge, a coach house of 1740. On the right is Old Palace Terrace of 1692 with a former chemists at number 1 (1826-1960).

Continue along Maids of Honour Row
These were built in 1724 for servants of Caroline, wife to the future George II. Number 2 was the home of the Victorian explorer Richard Burton.

Go through the gateway on the left
This was the site of Richmond Palace but only the Gateway and Wardrobe buildings remain. Ahead is Trumpeter's House of 1700 built on the site of the middle gatehouse.

Exit at the far corner into Old Palace Lane and go left
The houses date from around 1810. At the end on the left there is a plaque on the wall relating to the palace

Go right along the riverside walk
This takes you under the railway (1848) and road (1930s) bridges. A small round building marks the entrance to a tunnel under the river. On the right is the Old Deer Park where an observatory was set up for George III in 1769.

Cross over Richmond Lock
This was built in 1894 and gives good views along the river

Go to the left along Ranelagh Drive then cross Twickenham Bridge and go to the right along Cholmondeley Walk
Asgill House was built for a Lord Mayor in 1758. Beyond this are the gardens of Trumpeter's House and Queensberry House. Water Lane is where goods would have been tranferred to/from river transport. This area is liable to flooding as can be seen at the White Cross Hotel. In Whittaker Avenue the former Town Hall serves as a TIC, Gallery & Museum (see below). The Heron Square development was designed by Quinlan Terry in 1988. It is mostly offices but incorporates Heron House and the former Tower Hotel. Just beyond this are boathouses and workshops including the premises of Turks.

Continue under Richmond Bridge
This is now the oldest bridge spanning the river having been completed in 1777 to replace a ferry. Tolls were collected until 1859 and the bridge was widened in 1939.

Continue along the river walk then cross Petersham Road into the Terrace Gardens. Make your way up through these to Richmond Hill. The famous view from these can be had by going onto the terrace to the right. Continue back down Richmond Hill.
What became the Old Vicarage School was once home to the Houblon sisters who bought and closed down the medicinal wells opposite. These had bought business to the area but became a nuisance. The building was refaced in the popular castelled style in 1809.

Go right at the Vineyard
On the left is St Elizabeth RC Church of 1826 by Philip Hardwick

Detour right into Lancaster Park
This has some of Richmond's oldest houses and on the right the attractive Lancaster Cottages

Return to the Vineyard and go right
The street has 3 sets of almhouses; Michels of 1811 & 1858, Bishop Duppa's founded in 1661 but rebuilt in 1851 (gateway retained) and Elizabeths (modern rebuild - old plaque).

At the end of the Vineyard go down steps into Preston Place then go through alleys to Albert Road and go left
These roads, known collectively as 'the Alberts' were built in the 1870s/80s

At the end go left along Worple Way
The Red Cow pub has a fine Victorian interior

Go left into Sheen Road
The 9 almshouses dating from 1758 were endowed by the Houblon sisters and are Richmond's oldest survivors

Go right at Church Road. A path on the left leads back to the station

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The excellent Tourist Information Centre in the Old Town Hall, Richmond has books, maps and details of places of interest open to the public Tel 020 8940 9125. They also have leaflets for self-guide walks or information on guided walks which are available. The
Richmond Society has produced 4 trails; Town, Green, Palace & Hill on sale for 50p each. This building also houses the Museum of Richmond and the Riverside Gallery with a changing programme of exhibitions. Admission to both is free.

Richmond and Kew Green - a souvenir guide by Nicholas Reed
London Villages by John Wittich
Walking London by Andrew Duncan
Rural Walks Around Richmond by the Richmond Group of the Ramblers Association

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