Route & what to see

site map

In 1811 when George became Prince Regent, leases on farmland to the north of London expired and architect John Nash put forward a plan to build some 50 detatched villas in a parkland setting with elegant terraces around 3 sides and a central circle. Only 8 villas were built and most of these have been lost since, Even some of the terraces were at risk following WWII damage and neglect. Fortunately the restoration rather than redevelopment option was chosen. The elegant buildings can be seen at close quarters and admired on this walk together with the park itself and a section of the Regent’s Canal.

The walk of up to 5 miles starts from Regent's Park tube station (Bakerloo line) - a short walk from Great Portland Street Station and finishes in Baker Street (tube station). There are places to eat within the park or it may be more convenient to take a picnic.
Details of features in UPPER CASE can be found on the
additional information page

Left out of Regent’s Park Station and around Park Crescent
This was originally planned as a full circus by Nash but financial difficulty meant that only half was built. The whole crescent was rebuilt in 1960-3 to provide a student hostel and accommodation for other societies.

Cross Marylebone Road
There are four Greek Doric lodges sited here. A tunnel known as the 'Nannie's Tunnel' runs under Marylebone Road connecting Park Crescent with Park Square.

Go along Park Square East
On the right was the DIORAMA. At the end in St Andrews Place to the right is the Royal College of Physicians designed by Denys Lasdun in 1961-4.

Enter PARK. Left then right through Avenue Gardens to left of Broad Walk
These were planted in 1864. The original Griffin Tazza has been restored but other fountains and urns are replacement copies.

Path right to Chester Gate exit and go along Chester Terrace
Designed by Nash and built by James Burton in 1825. The terrace was restored after WWII.

Continue through Chester Place
The area beyond Albany Road was the site of a Canal Branch & Basin, Coal Wharves and Haymarket which supplied the local houses.

Continue along Cumberland Terrace
Built in 1826-8 there are three blocks linked by decorative arches with a central pediment featuring Britannia.

Re-join the Outer Circle and go into St Katherine’s Precinct to the right

Continue around Gloucester Gate Terrace
Designed by Nash and built by Richard Mott with J J Scoles as architect in 1827.

Exit at Gloucester Gate. Right into Albany Street and around Park Village West to the left
Numbers 1-7 were planned by James Pennethorne. It provides the setting for a book by Ruth Rendell 'The Keys to the Street'

Return through Gloucester Gate
The Matilda drinking fountain (1878) has a bronze milkmaid figure by Joseph Durham set in a Cornish rock structure.

Take path across to Broad Walk keeping left of the children's playground
On the left was the site of St Katherine's Villa, destroyed in WWII. The Ready Money Fountain was the gift of Sir Cowasjee Jehangir in 1869.

Take Broad Walk right. Cross Outer Circle and go down to towpath (via slip to right) at St Mark's Bridge. Follow REGENT’S CANAL
There are views of LONDON ZOO. The path passes under Macclesfield (Blow Up) Bridge.

Leave towpath at next (Primrose Hill) bridge and cross back into park. Take right hand paths to Boating Lake
Sited in among trees to the right is Winfield House.

Cross bridges.
The lake attracts a large number of birds and water fowl.

Take path between children's playground and boating pond and exit at Hanover Gate
There is the opportunity of viewing the CENTRAL LONDON MOSQUE.

From the Outer Circle go along Hanover Terrace
The 20 Nash houses of 1822 have a loggia running along the ground floor. There are porticoes at each end, Doric pillars linking the first and second floors and pediments topped with statues.

Re-enter park and take either path to right
There are views of The Holme across the lake and Sussex Place with curved wings and pointed cupolas to the right. This was rebuilt behind the facade in the 1960s for the London Graduate School of Business Studies.

You can make an early return back to Baker Street by exiting at Clarence Gate. Otherwise continue alongside the lake to York Bridge
There is a view of ST MARYLEBONE PARISH CHURCH to the right

Cross the bridge and continue along the path.
To the left Regent's College occupies the site of Burton's South Villa. The tennis courts to the right were formerly the grounds of the Toxophilite Society. Their lodge was replaced with Archer's Lodge in the 1930s. The area used to be flooded in winter for ice skating.

Cross Inner Circle into Queen Mary’s Gardens
The gates commemorate the Silver Jubilee and opening of the gardens in 1935 on a site previously occupied by the Royal Botanical Society.

Bear right keeping lake to right
Features sited along here are a Chinese Bridge, stone lantern, bronze eagle, fossil trees (from Dorset), Mighty Hunter and Lost Bow.

Go into Rose Gardens and go left through these. Through Chester Gates to the right and left around Inner Circle. Enter Lodge Garden to the right
St John’s Lodge is a private residence but the gardens are part of the park. There are statues of Hylas & the Nymph and The Goatherd's Daughter.

Return to Chester Gate and re-enter Queen Mary's Garden. Past toilets go through Gardens to the right
The Triton Fountain was made by William McMillan RA in 1950 and dedicated to Sigismund Goetze by his wife. The site had previously be occupied by a conservatory.

Left down pathway
This passes the OPEN AIR THEATRE

Bear right ahead to Begonia Garden
The Boy & Frog bronze is by Sir William Reid Dick.

Around Delphinium Garden. Past cafe cross Inner Circle and follow path ahead
The bandstand came from Richmond Park in 1975. It has become a memorial to 7 soldiers killed in a terrorist attack on the site in 1982.

Cross footbridge and exit park at Clarence Gate. Left along Baker Street
On the right is the SHERLOCK HOLMES Museum and 221B site. A Sherlock Holmes shop and Baker Street Station are on the left. 2008

[additonal information] [walks list]