A Greenwich Park Walk

Route & what to see


A walk through Greenwich Park from the Blackheath Gate on Charlton Way (53 bus) to the Park Row Gate (adjacent National Maritime Museum). The meridian is marked in a number of places.

At the Blackheath Gate is the park/police office and a LODGE HOUSE of c1850.

Go along the main avenue then to the toilets on the left. Go to the left of these following path through THE DELL. Exit at the gate and continue along the outer path.
Ranger's Field to the right is used for cricket.

Go right at the fenced area then across to the right (the Chesterfield Gate is to the left)
The site of QUEEN CAROLINE'S BATH from Montague House is marked with a plaque and information board.

Continue through the ROSE GARDEN
RANGER'S HOUSE now managed by English Heritage is on the left.

Exit the rose garden and continue on the path ahead.
A putting green and tennis courts are on the right. The area of trees to the beyond these marks the site of a COVERED RESERVOIR constructed in 1846 by the Admiralty. To the left there is a view of the rear of MACARTNEY HOUSE with a plaque to General Wolfe.

At the Crooms Hill Gate (by the White House) take the path towards the south building of the observatory (with a ship weather vane).
To the left there are TUMULI (possibly Bronze Age) and a LARGE STANDING FIGURE by Henry Moore.

Go left at the roadway
A line of stones across this marks the meridian

Just beyond this take the path off to the right
On the right are the OBSERVATORY GARDENS used for some park events.

Continue up the path
This emerges by the OLD ROYAL OBSERVATORY

Go across to the viewing area in front of the WOLFE STATUE (a gift of the Canadians)
A guide to this famous view is available (although somewhat out of date). Facing the main avenue there is a view of All Saints Church spire on Blackheath.

The park cafe can be accessed along the main avenue but to continue the walk go to the left (signposted QUEEN ELIZABETH'S OAK).
The oak, dating to c1300, fell down in 1991 but a tree has been planted nearby to replace it.

Take the path going up to the right
From here there is a view of the BANDSTAND cast in 1891 by the Coalbrookdale Company.

At the junction of paths go across and into the FLOWER GARDEN. Go to the right across the grass following the herbaceous border. Bear to the left where there is a gate on the right.
There are two splendid Tulip trees (in flower early June) at this point.

Take the middle path going down and go to the right at the fenced enclosure.
There is a heather garden on the right.

At THE LAKE go around to the left and at the far end go onto the upper path and take this to the left. Where the path divides go right and take the grey gravelled path off to the right. Keep right where this forks.
THE WILDERNESS (deer park) is on the right and there is a viewing area for this off to the right further along.

Return to and continue along the path which emerges in the Flower Garden. Go right along the path and exit ahead. Take the path/cycle way off to the left. Beyond the cedar trees look for a fenced enclosure off to the right and go across the grass to this.
These are remains of a ROMAN TEMPLE investigated by TV's Time Team.

Take the path to the right and by the Maze Hill Gate take the path going down along the edge of the park.
Sir John Vanbrugh designed the 'castle' as his home in the 1720s. It served as a school for a time but is now flats.

Exit at the next gate on the right and continue down Maze Hill
There are some attractive houses on the right and the buildings on the left were the infirmary buildings of the old Naval Asylum School (1807). Maze Hill Station can be accessed from the end of the road.

Go left along Park Vista
There are a number of attractive houses in this street. Just past the Plume of Feathers pub the meridian is marked on the wall and across the road. The Chantry on the left was built as the residence of the Admiral Commissioner of the Naval School and incorporates some Tudor remains.

The NATIONAL MARITIME MUSEUM (free admission) is at the end of the road. To see more of Greenwich there are 2 other walks on this site.


Buildings and Monuments in the Royal Parks
Walking London's Parks and Gardens by Geoffrey Young
Discover Greenwich and Charlton by Darrell Spurgeon

There is a 'Friends of Greenwich Park' organisation [website]

london-footprints.co.uk 2015

[Places to Visit] [Greenwich Meridian] [booklist] [walks list]