An Isle of Dogs (east) Walk

Route & what to see

Prior to the Industrial Revolution the Isle of Dogs was underpopulated, marshy farmland. However after the opening of the West India Docks in 1802 it became a centre of commerce & industry. The regeneration started by the LDDC, which followed the post-war dock closures, continues. This takes in new developments but also the historic parts of the area that remain. On the east route ther

A 4 mile linear walk from Blackwall to Island Gardens (DLR Stations). Crossharbour & Mudchute stations are on the route. There is also the opportunity to visit Mudchute Park and Farm. Refreshments are available here. There is some overlap with the west route.

From the station follow signed (to Greenwich) walkway under the road and up steps to Poplar Dock. Walk alongside this with the wall on your left
The dock was a water control reservoir from 1827 until 1844 when it became a timber pond. From 1850 it was a railway dock for coal and export goods but now serves as a marina. The structures across the road are air shafts for the Blackwall road tunnel.

Exit through the gap in the wall at the end and go right along Preston Road. Just before the dock entrance go right into Bridge House Quay.
The Grade II listed building of 1819 overlooking the Blackwall Basin was designed by John Rennie (Snr) for the superintendent of the West India Dock Company.

Return to Preston Road, cross the lock and go left around Coldharbour.
Isle House of 1825 is a Grade II listed building by John Rennie (Jnr) for the Blackwall Dockmaster. Adjacent Nelson House, also from the early 19th century, housed senior Dockmaster's staff. Further along the former Blackwall River Police Station of 1893 has now been converted to flats. At the end of the road is a terrace of small 19thc houses and the riverside Gun pub. There has been a pub on this site since 1710.

Left into Preston Road crossing the 'Blue Bridge'.
This was built in 1969 by the PLA to replace an older swing-bridge at the main entrance to the West India & Millwall Docks.

Left into Stewart Street
The colourful pumping station, designed by John Outram in 1987-8, regulates storm water overflow on the Thames.

Go left at River Barge Close and walk to the right along the river walkway. Go right at Amsterdam Road.

To visit Muchute Park & Farm go left at Manchester Road and right at Pier Road. Within the farm park to the left are the stables, cafe and shop where maps of the site and nature trails are available. Either follow this trail or make your way around the animal enclosures to exit into the ASDA store car park. Cross the car park into Glengall Grove to continue the route below.

To miss out Muchute Park & Farm go right at Manchester Road and left through St John's Recreation Ground then along Strattondale Street.
There is a Carnegie Library in this street.

At the end go right around Glengall Grove then left into Limeharbour. Go left here and right at Crossharbour Station. (To access the ASDA store continue along East Ferry Road at the station).
The route crosses the Millwall Dock via Pepper Street and the Glengall Bridge.

Go left around the Millwall Outer Dock.
The Westferry Printworks is on the right and there are some original cranes along the dockside. At the end is the Watersport Centre of 1987-9.

Cross Westferry Road to the former entrance to the Millwall Dock
Although filled in some features have been retained.

Return to Westferry Road and go right.
Dockers Tanner Road commemorates the docker's fight for pay of sixpence an hour. Further along The Space arts centre is housed in the former Presbyterian chapel of St Paul's. This was designed by Thomas Knightley in 1859 to serve the Scottish workers in Scott Russell's shipyard.

Follow Thames Path signs and go left along the riverfront.
This passes the remains of the slipway from which Brunel's Great Eastern (constructed 1853-8) was launched.

Left through the Burrell's Wharf complex.
This was a shipyard until 1888 when it was adapted to produce dyes and paints. It is now a residential and business development of new-build and conversions including the former Plate House, Gantry House and Mast House.

Right at Westferry Road. Left along Chapelhouse Street then left around Thermopylae Gate.
This area is the Chapel House Estate built in the 1920s & 1930s by Poplar Borough Council as 'Homes for Heroes' of WWI.

At the end go right along East Ferry Road (Muchute Station is to the left near the site of the former Chapel House).
Remnants of the Millwall Viaduct are visable across the park to the left. This railway service started in 1872 (closed 1926) was known as the 'Penny Puffer'. Until the DLR was extended to Lewisham it utilised this viaduct. The Docklands Settlement building houses the Island History Trust photograph collection. It was built in 1905 as as a club for local women. On the corner with Manchester Road is a former Fire Station and the Nelson pub. At the end of the street the Ferry Inn recalls the site of a former ferry service to Greenwich.

Left along Ferry Street (There is a short riverside section) then left across Manchester Road to Island Gardens Station. 2010

[west route] [additional information] [walkslist]