A Forty Hall (Enfield) Walk

Route & what to see


A two part walk from Turkey Street Station to Forty Hall via the London LOOP then New River Walk to Enfield Town Station. Both parts are about 2 miles. Refreshments available at Forty Hall but check opening times of museum. A link is provided to a Google map of the route.

From Turkey Street Station cross Turkey Street into Winnington Road. Take the footpath to the right (LOOP). Continue on path or detour through the cemetery. Cross the A10 via the footbridge. Continue on the LOOP/New River Link. Cross Forty Hill into the park (over stile) or follow LOOP signs to enter park via bridge. Go ahead or to the right to walk with trees/Turkey Brook on the right. Further along are lakes to the left. At the end of the lakes look for a small footbridge across a stream to the left. Cross and follow the main path, bearing left so that lakes are now over to the left. After this path emerges into open ground bear left towards an avenue of trees. Walk along this avenue to the right then through a gate to a pond with a view of the house. Take the path to the right to the farm buildings. Go left to reach the cafe courtyard with toilets and house to the left. Go through the cafe to access the walled garden (on the right).

From the south east of the house aim for a large Scots Pine tree. Take the path to the right running parallel with Forty Hill. At a junction of paths exit to the left down steps. This emerges opposite Goat Lane. Go along this road until it crosses the New River. Take the riverside path to the right (gated). Cross and go left at Carterhatch Lane then continue along Ladysmith Road. Ignore the first turming and footbridge just beyond the road barrier. Continue and go right at Lambourne Gardens, going up steps at the end. Take the New River Path to the left then cross the river and the road ahead. Continue along the footpath opposite and at the second road (Willow Road) go left. Continue to the end (Tesco store opposite) then go right along Southbury Road (New River channel on right). Cross to Enfield Town Station.


london-footprints.co.uk 2012

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