A Bloomsbury People Walk

Route & what to see


A 3 mile linear walk looking at places in Bloomsbury associated with famous people (mainly blue plaques). It begins at Warren Street tube and finishes at Euston.

From the station go south along Tottenham Court Road then right at Grafton Way.
No.58 - General Francisco de MIRANDA (1750-1816) and Andres Bello (1781-1865) Venezuelan patriots.

Go anti-clockwise around Fitzroy Square.
No.7 – Sir Charles Lock EASTLAKE (1793-1865) Artist & first director of the National Gallery. No.9 – August Wilhelm von HOFMANN (1818-1892) Professor of chemistry. No.21 – Robert Gascoyne CECIL 3rd Marquess of Salisbury (1830-1903) Prime Minister. No. 29 – Virginnia WOOLF (1882-1941) author & co-founder of the Hogarth Press and George Bernard SHAW (1856-1950) Irish dramatist, critic & playwright. No.33 – Roger Eliot FRY (1866-1934) Artist & critic.

Exit into Fitzroy Street
Corner (statue) – General Francisco de MIRANDA (1750-1816) Venezuelan patriot. No.37 (home) – L Ron HUBBARD (1911-1986) Author & founder of Scientology. Also former home of GB Shaw (see above).

Left at Maple Street. Cross Tottenham Court Road and continue along University Street.
Corner with Huntley Street (pub) – Jeremy BENTHAM (1748-1832) Philosopher & reformer (see resources below).

Continue to end of road and cross Gower Street.
College building– Richard TREVITHICK (1771-1833) Cornish engineer & inventor.

Continue south along Gower Street.
No.110 – Charles DARWIN (1809-1882) Naturalist and author of Origin of Species. No.91 – George DANCE the younger (1741-1825) Architect. The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine has a frieze with the names of 23 pioneers of public health and tropical medicine. No.14 – James ROBINSON (1813-1862) Pioneer of anaesthesia & dentistry. No.10 – Lady Ottoline MORRELL (1873-1938) Patron of the arts. No.2 – Dame Millicent FAWCETT nee Garrett (1847-1929) Reformer. 11 Bedford Square (plaque in Montague Place) Hon Henry CAVENDISH (1731-1810) Natural Philosopher.

Anti-clockwise around Bedford Square.
No.13 – Sir Harry RICARDO (1885-1974) Engineer. No.22 – Sir Johnston FORBES-ROBERTSON (1853-1937) Actor & theatre manager. No.41 – Sir Anthony Hope HAWKINS (1863-1933) Novelist and William BUTTERFIELD (1814-1900) Gothic revival architect. No.49 – Roy RAM MOHUN (1774-1833) Indian scholar & religious reformer. No.6 - Lord John Scott ELDON (1751-1838) Lord Chancellor.

Go south along Bloomsbury Street and left at Great Russell Street.
No.91 – George Louis DU MAURIER (1834-1896) Artist & novelist. No.46 – Randolph CALDECOTT (1846-1886) Artist & illustrator. No.77 – Thomas Henry WYATT (1807-1880) Architect & president of RIBA.

Right into Bloomsbury Square.
No.10 – Dr Robert WILLAN (1757-1812) Dermatologist. North side (statue) – Charles James FOX (1749-1806) Statesman.

Exit via Blooomsbury Place.
No.4 – Sir Hans SLOANE Bart (1660-1753) Physician & collector.

Right at Southampton Row and left at Theobald's Road. Right at Drake Street then anti-clockwise around Red Lion Square.
Corner of Dane Street - John Harrison (1693-1776) Inventor of the marine chronometer. No.17 – Dante Gabriel ROSSETTI (1828-1882) Poet & Pre-Raphaelite painter, William MORRIS (1834-1896) Poet, writer, artist & craftsman and Sir Edward BURNE-JONES (1833-1898) Pre-Raphaelite artist.

Exit via Drake Street and cross Theobald's Road into Old Gloucester Street.
No.44 – Richard CHALLONER (1691-1781) Prelate.

Continue through Queen Square.
Central garden (statue) – Queen Anne (1665-1714) Monarch from 1702.

Exit into Guilford Street and go left. Anti-clockwise around Russell Square.
North side – Sir George WILLIAMS (1821-1905) Founder of the YMCA. No.21 – Sir Samuel ROMILLY (1757-1818) Legal reformer. Faber & Faber premises – Thomas Stearns ELIOT (1888-1965) Poet & critic.

Exit via Thornhaugh Street. Walk through Woburn Square into Gordon Square.
No.51 – Giles LYTTON STRACHEY (1880-1932) Writer & critic and Bloomsbury group (see also info board in garden). No.52 – John Maynard KEYNES (1883-1946) Economist.

Exit via Endlseigh Place. Anti-clockwise around Tavistock Square.
No.33 – Ali Mohamed ABBAS (1922-1979) Barrister & founder of Pakistan. SW Corner (bust) - Virginia Woolf (1882-1941) author & co-founder of the Hogarth Press. SE corner (bust) - Dame Louisa Brandreth ALDRICH-BLAKE (1865-1925) Pioneer surgeon. Central garden (statue) – Mohandas Karamchand GANDHI (1869-1948) Lawyer & Indian leader. On BMA building - Charles DICKENS (1812-1870) Novelist & journalist.

Exit via Upper Woburn Place and detour right into Woburn Walk.
No.5 – William Butler YEATS (1865-1939) Irish poet & dramatist.

Return to and continue along Upper Woburn Place. Cross Euston Road to the station.

Blue Plaques [
Wikipedia [
How to visit Jeremy Bentham! [


london-footprints.co.uk 2011
