A Beckton Walk

Route & what to see


When people arrive by DLR at Beckton they tend to do one of two things - go shopping or go to the front of the train to travel back again! Here's a third alternative - go for a walk. This 4 mile circular route links the Greenway and parks and can take in a 9 acre nature reserve in the churchyard of a Norman church and a city farm (check opening times below). Refreshments are available at the ASDA store opposite the station or family restaurant adjoining.

From the station go right along Woolwich Manor Way taking the path alongside the road (retail park to right) towards the former ski slope
The 'Beckton Alps' were created in part with the spoil from the construction of the British Library

Where the path divides bear left down to the road and continue along this. Cross going under Newham Way (A13).
Continue ahead along High Street South unless the nature reserve is closed in which case go onto the Greenway to the left. Access to the nature reserve is from Norman Road, the first turning to the right.
There is a trail around the reserve and the parish church of St Mary Magdelene has features of interest [
more info]

Return to the High Street and go right (westwards) along the Greenway
This path has been laid out along the Northern Outfall Sewer

At the signs for the Capital Ring route leave the Greenway on the left and follow signage through Stokes Road, left at Roman Road and right along Noel Road. Use the footbridge to cross the main road. On the other side go between the houses and the industrial building into North Beckton District Park. Bear right to the lake
This has a shingle beach and is popular with birds and anglers

Go clockwise around the lake to the pavilion then exit the park via the path to the left. Cross Tollgate Road and take the path ahead through South Beckton District Park. At a labelled tree '3 Walnut' just before pylons detour across the grass to the right to access Newham City Farm [more info]
King George V Park can be reached through the farm

Return to and continue along the path. Past the William Thorne Pavilion the path goes to the left
Horses from nearby stables graze here

At the edge of the park there is a shortcut back to the station along the path ahead (Beckton Corridor) otherwise follow the edge of the park around to the right. Just before the road cut through the houses to the left and cross Parry Avenue into New Beckton Park.
Savage Gardens running alongside this was originally tenements built by East Ham in 1903

Head across to the pavilion and to the left of this go through the gate and continue along the avenue of trees into East Ham Manor Way. Go left here towards the roundabout and continue along Woolwich Manor Way back to the station.

EAST HAM NATURE RESERVE - Norman Road E6 4HN. Tel 020 8470 4525
Open from 10am Tue - Fri until 4pm (winter) & 5pm (summer). Summer weekends 2-5. Winter weekends 1-4. A guide leaflet is available for a waymarked nature trail from the visitor centre where there are wildlife dioramas.

NEWHAM CITY FARM - King George Avenue E16 3HR. Tel 020 7476 1170
Open 10-4 Thu - Sun & Bank Hols. The farm has some exotic birds and a variety of animals, including rare breeds of cattle & shire horses. Honey and eggs for sale at certain times. Toilets and picnic tables.

This was built about 1130 and has remained largely unaltered except for alterations to the windows and the addition of the west tower in the 16th century. The timber roof over the apse is held together with wooden pegs. On the right of the path from the visitor centre to the church a grave commemorates two men killed on the Titanic in 1912.


london-footprints.co.uk 2005

[walks list]