Jack the Ripper - Murderer - active 1888

Over 3 months in 1888 Jack the Ripper brutally murderered at least 5 prostitutes in London's East End. This reign of terror has earned him a place in London history. It is unlikely we will ever know who he was although numerous suggestions have been put forward.

Original London Walks, amongst others, lead Jack the Ripper walks but you will see only ordinary squares, blank walls and car parks! - the London of Jack the Ripper has long since disappeared.

For a wealth of infomation on Jack the Ripper and his London there is an excellent website.
National Archives at Kew holds relevant items (see their research guide).
A booklet describing a Jack the Ripper walk and a map are available from the
Museum of London bookshop.

The Museum of the Royal London Hospital has a section on forensic medicine with original material on the murders. It is housed in the basement of St Augustine with St Philip's Church in Newark Street E1. It is generally open Monday to Friday 10-4:30 (not public holidays) but please check on 020 7737 7608 before making a special journey. Admission is free but donations are welcome. [website]

[Aldgate walk] [Spitalfields walk] 2005